
In which I turned 15...

{Stuck in my head: You & I by Ingrid Michaelson}

Thursday was my birthday, beginning my 15th year of life. I've never liked birthdays much since about age 9; I never liked being the center of attention. I'd just rather spend the day with a few close friends or family, and this year that's exactly what I did :) I spent the day with Abigail, Sarah, and Ashton. We had a lovely time shopping and then went to a coffee shop to listen to the open mic! On Friday we went to a basketball game to support some friends who are on the team {GO LIONS!} We ate cheese fries and drank Dr. Pepper, and it was good. Saturday we took Abigail to the mall to get 
her ears pierced {for a second time} and we ate good food. Here are some pictures from our weekend 
adventures :)
We tried on dresses, these were um, interesting choices :)


Abby is super cute.

Donuts are the best.

Ashtons face :)

Normal us...

We're crazy :)
{In a world of ladybugs, you are a tiger. Yeah, you’re that much better than everyone else.}

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